faculty/staff resources


The Graduate School is committed to advancing academic excellence in graduate and postdoctoral education and training. We have several departments that can assist you with questions regarding professional development activities, administrative processes, and graduate student success initiatives. 


Office Hours: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday 

Campus Location: GSR 2.116


Questions regarding admissions, transcripts and recruiting.

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decorative faculty-staff image

Doctoral Committee Forms

Doctoral forms are required for all doctoral students. These forms must be routed to The Graduate School for approval.

Interim Program of Study: This form should be obtained from the department, as the form length and structure varies from program to program. The Interim Program of Study is required and is to be established very early in the student's doctoral career. The student's advisor completes this form.

Program of Study: This form should be obtained from the department, as the form length and structure varies from program to program. The Program of Study is completed in the final semester of the student's doctoral career by the student's advisor or department administrator.

Application for Candidacy: This form must be filled out by the student and advisor to establish that the student is ready to begin work on the dissertation.

Appointment of Doctoral Dissertation Committee: This form establishes the student's dissertation committee.

Certification of Completion of Dissertation Requirements: The department will complete this form and route to The Graduate School for approval once the student has met all requirements to graduate.

Completion of the Qualifying Exam: This form must be completed after the student has successfully completed all parts of the qualifying exam.

Dissertation Proposal Approval: This form should be submitted to the advisor, dissertation committee, and The Graduate School for approval.