Tuition & Funding

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The Graduate School is committed to advancing academic excellence in graduate and postdoctoral education and training. We have several departments that can assist you with questions regarding professional development activities, administrative processes, and graduate student success initiatives. 

Office Hours: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday 
Campus Location: GSR 2.116


Questions regarding admissions, transcripts and recruiting.

Graduate School Professional Development Awards

Graduate School Professional Development (GSPD) Awards provide supplemental support for students to attend major professional meetings at which they make a presentation (paper, poster, other appropriate form of presentation) based on their research or scholarly work. The Graduate School provides these awards in order to to assist academic units in fully funding student travel for the purpose of presenting research unique to UTSA.

Award Amount

The Graduate School will award funds up to a maximum amount of $750.


Graduate students who apply for this award must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 course credit hours during the semester when the funds will be used (at least 1-3 doctoral dissertation hours) or enrolled in a minimum of 3 course credit hours during any summer semester. Graduate students who apply for a GSPD award must be in good academic standing during the semester in which they are awarded and during the semester when the funds are used. Note that no more than three student authors on one project or presentation can be eligible to receive a Graduate School Award. Students may only receive one GSPD award per academic school year.

The following types of presentations will be considered for funding:

  • Research Paper or *Project Presentation
  • Fine Arts Performance or Pedagogy Instruction
  • Roundtable or Panel Discussion (including as moderator)
  • Poster Presentation

*Project presentation is meant for those disciplines that are not necessarily conducting or presenting research, but rather showcasing scholarly work, such as those that pertain to certain programs in the Departments of Architecture, Construction, and Planning or College of Liberal and Fine Arts.

Travel Authorization Documents

To meet University requirements prior to travel, graduate students are required to fill out and submit the forms listed below to their academic departments. Do not submit these forms to The Graduate School. Forms will either be submitted to your College Dean's office or to your department (depending on which entity disburses your travel award to you and assists with the organization of travel).

Please note, that all of these forms must be completed and turned in to your department/college before you apply for a Graduate School Professional Development Award. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification of your application.

Application Process

Students who wish to apply must complete:

  • Student Travel Authorization Request (see previous section)
  • List of Participants, Emergency Contacts, and Activity/Event Leaders (see previous section)
  • UTSA Release and Indemnification Agreement (see previous section).
  • PI Acknowledgement signature form (upload to application)
  • Personal statement (500-750 words) describing (upload to application):
    • Why is it important for you to present at this meeting?
    • How does it relate to your degree program and professional development?
Applications must be complete and submitted to The Graduate School through the online application portal. Please direct any questions to


The awarding process takes place twice in the fall semester, twice in the spring semester, and once during the summer. Students should submit their application:

  • Fall semester submission: September 1; November 1
  • Spring semester submission: February 1; April 1
  • Summer semester submission: July 1

Allow 30 days past the semester deadline(s) for application review and award disbursement.

Award Disbursement

Awarded funds will be disbursed from The Graduate School office directly to the colleges. The colleges will disburse funds to students. Contact your college for their policy on travel reimbursements or travel advances. If a student receives GSPD award funding and the funds are not utilized, funds must be returned to the Graduate School.

All GSPD awards come in the form of reimbursement.

Presenting at Academic Conferences

The Graduate School supports our graduate students' professional growth with services, resources, and funding that will prepare you, and afford you the opportunity, to present your research at professional academic conferences both domestic and abroad.  Follow the steps outlined below to effectively represent yourself and UTSA at your next academic conference presentation.

  1. Improve your Presentation Skills:  Your presentation should be excellent both in delivery and development.  The Graduate School provides online resources to take your presentation skills to the next level:
  2. Apply for Travel Funding:  If you are selected to present your research at a conference, consider applying for a  Graduate Student Professional Development Award.  This travel award is available for students who are selected to present their research in the form of a poster presentation, round-table session, panel discussion, or plenary (oral) presentation.  For more information and to download the required application, visit the  Graduate Student Professional Development Award page.
  3. Branding your Presentation:  As a representative of UTSA, you are required to utilize a University approved PowerPoint template and logos for any conference presentation given by you while you are a graduate student at UTSA.  To access the official UTSA PowerPoint template/UTSA logo(s), click here.