Stage 1: Development: For new programs, and substantial or multiple changes to existing programs.

Stage 1: Development: For new programs, and substantial or multiple changes to existing programs

Stage 2: Internal Approval of Full Proposal.

Stage 2: Internal Approval of Full Proposal

Certificate Request Form

Stage 2: Internal Approval for Engineering & PhD Program Proposals.

Stage 2: Internal Approval for Engineering & PhD Program Proposals

Stage 2: External Approval.

Stage 2: External Approval

Project Timeline Example

The time for approval at each step varies somewhat by proposal type and timing of the proposal. For, example, neither the Graduate Council nor the Faculty Senate meet in summer. The College of Science has shared their timeline:

Project Timeline Example

Board of Regents Approval

For requests requiring BOR approval, applications must be submitted at least 31/2 months prior to the BOR meeting.

Board of Regents Meeting Proposals Due No Later Than


August 1


November 1


February 1


May 1